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Version: 0.2.0


CnchHive is a table engine provided by ByConity, which supports federated query in the form of external tables, and users can directly accelerate data query without importing data. CnchHive supports querying data on both HDFS and S3 Hive table.

Currently supports querying data files of Hive in Parquet and ORC formats.

Creating a Table

ENGINE = CnchHive('thrift://', 'hive_db', 'hive_table')
[SETTING vw_default = '']

Table columns and partition columns will be automatically inferenced from hive metadata. Manully specify column names and types is also supported.

Table Settings

CnchHive table settings is allowed to configure during table creation or though configuration file.

  • vw_default: virtual warehouse for executing select queryies
  • hdfs_fs: hdfs namenode url.
  • endpoint: S3 enpoint
  • region: S3 region
  • ak_id: S3 access key
  • ak_secret: S3 secret key

Example config a HDFS hive table


Example config a S3 hive table


Disk Cache Configuration

To enable disk cache for CnchHive, add it to worker.xml


Query Settings


Whether to use disk cache in SELECT queries. Possible values:

  • AUTO - USE disk cache when available.
  • SKIP_DISK_CACHE - Do not use disk cache.

If cache misses, hive files will be cached in the backrgound.

default: AUTO


If enabled, CnchHive checks whether the query has partition key conditions which can be passed to hive metastore for restricting partitions. Hive metastore will return a trimmed list of partitions based on the conditions. Hive metastore can only recognise simple conditions.


# Column d is the hive partition key, and hive has partition
# d=1/, d=2/, d=3/

SELECT * FROM hive_ext WHERE d = 1
# Hive metastore will only return the path of d=1/ partition

default: true


If enabled, CnchHive further does partition pruning on the list of partitions returned from hive metastore.


# Column d is the hive partition key, and hive has partition
# d=20220203/, d=20220204/, d=20220205/

SELECT * FROM hive_ext WHERE toDate(d) = '2022-02-03'
# Hive metastore will return all three partitions, and CnchHive will do partition pruning. Only partition d=20220203/ will later be read.

default: true


Parquet and ORC files have index data for each row group/stripe. If enabled, CnchHive will filter row groups/stripes.

default: false

Table Functions

SELECT count() FROM hive('thrift://', 'hive_db', 'hive_table)

Query the hive table without explicitly creating a table.

SELECT * FROM hiveMetadata('thrift://', 'hive_db', 'hive_table')

Return the hive table storage description from the hive metastore.