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Version: 0.3.0


Notice: Some of the examples below are referenced from ClickHouse Documentation but have been adapted and modified to work in ByConity.


no encrypt functions but we have decrypt functions. syntax unsure


This function decrypts ciphertext into a plaintext using these modes:

  • aes-128-ecb, aes-192-ecb, aes-256-ecb

  • aes-128-cbc, aes-192-cbc, aes-256-cbc

  • aes-128-cfb1, aes-192-cfb1, aes-256-cfb1

  • aes-128-cfb8, aes-192-cfb8, aes-256-cfb8

  • aes-128-cfb128, aes-192-cfb128, aes-256-cfb128

  • aes-128-ofb, aes-192-ofb, aes-256-ofb

  • aes-128-gcm, aes-192-gcm, aes-256-gcm


decrypt('mode', 'ciphertext', 'key' [, iv, aad])


  • mode — Decryption mode. String .

  • ciphertext — Encrypted text that needs to be decrypted. String .

  • key — Decryption key. String .

  • iv — Initialization vector. Required for -gcm modes, optinal for others. String .

  • aad — Additional authenticated data. Won't decrypt if this value is incorrect. Works only in -gcm modes, for others would throw an exception. String .

Returned value


Re-using table from encrypt .


SELECT comment, hex(secret) FROM encryption_test;



│ aes-256-gcm │ A8A3CCBC6426CFEEB60E4EAE03D3E94204C1B09E0254 │

│ aes-256-gcm with AAD │ A8A3CCBC6426D9A1017A0A932322F1852260A4AD6837 │



│ aes-256-cfb128 no IV │ B4972BDC4459 │

│ aes-256-cfb128 no IV, different key │ 2FF57C092DC9 │

│ aes-256-cfb128 with IV │ 5E6CB398F653 │

│ aes-256-cbc no IV │ 1BC0629A92450D9E73A00E7D02CF4142 │


Now let's try to decrypt all that data.


SELECT comment, decrypt('aes-256-cfb128', secret, '12345678910121314151617181920212') as plaintext FROM encryption_test



│ aes-256-cfb128 no IV │ Secret │

│ aes-256-cfb128 no IV, different key │ �4�

� │

│ aes-256-cfb128 with IV │ ���6�~ │

│aes-256-cbc no IV │ �2*4�h3c�4w��@


Notice how only a portion of the data was properly decrypted, and the rest is gibberish since either mode , key , or iv were different upon encryption.