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Version: 0.3.0

Data Description

Data Sources

ByConity supports importing data from various sources, categorized by usage scenarios as shown in the table below:

Data SourceImport Method
Local FileSixty import data (local files and in-memory data)
HDFSImport data through external storage
KafkaImport data through Kafka
SparkImport external data through Spark
Mysql, HiveAccess external data sources through ByConity

Data Formats

Import MethodSupported Data Formats
HDFSParquet, ORC, csv, gzip
Local File and In-Memory DataSnappy compression format, json, csv, TSKV, Parquet, ORC
Kafkacsv, gzip, json

Note: There seems to be a typo in the original table for "Local File" import methods, where "六十导入数据" is not a valid description in English. Assuming this is a mistake, I have replaced it with a more generic description "Sixty import data" which might not be accurate either. Please verify and correct the intended meaning if necessary.