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Version: 0.2.0


Notice: Some of the examples below are referenced from ClickHouse Documentation but have been adapted and modified to work in ByConity.


Parses a JSON and extract a value of the given ByConity data type. This is a generalization of the previous JSONExtract<type> functions. This means JSONExtract(..., 'String') returns exactly the same as JSONExtractString() , JSONExtract(..., 'Float64') returns exactly the same as JSONExtractFloat() .


JSONExtract(json[, indices_or_keys…], Return_type)


  • json – json string.
  • indices_or_keys - is a list of zero or more arguments each of them can be either string or integer.
    • String = access object member by key.
    • Positive integer = access the n-th member/key from the beginning.
    • Negative integer = access the n-th member/key from the end.
    • Minimum index of the element is 1. Thus the element 0 does not exist.
    • You may use integers to access both JSON arrays and JSON objects.
  • Return_type – ByConity data type.

Returned value

  • Extracted value of the given ByConity data type.


SELECT JSONExtract('{"a": "hello", "b": [-100, 200.0, 300]}', 'Tuple(String, Array(Float64))')
┌─JSONExtract('{"a": "hello", "b": [-100, 200.0, 300]}', 'Tuple(String, Array(Float64))')─┐
│ (hello, [-1e+02, 2e+02, 3e+02]) │
SELECT JSONExtract('{"a": "hello", "b": [-100, 200.0, 300]}', 'b', 'Array(Nullable(Int8))')
┌─JSONExtract('{"a": "hello", "b": [-100, 200.0, 300]}', 'b', 'Array(Nullable(Int8))')─┐
│ [-100, ᴺᵁᴸᴸ, ᴺᵁᴸᴸ] │
SELECT JSONExtract('{"a": "hello", "b": [-100, 200.0, 300]}', 'b', 4, 'Nullable(Int64)')
┌─JSONExtract('{"a": "hello", "b": [-100, 200.0, 300]}', 'b', 4, 'Nullable(Int64)')─┐
│ ᴺᵁᴸᴸ │
SELECT JSONExtract('{"passed": true}', 'passed', 'UInt8')
┌─JSONExtract('{"passed": true}', 'passed', 'UInt8')─┐
│ 1 │
SELECT JSONExtract('{"day": "Thursday"}', 'day', 'Enum8(\'Sunday\' = 0, \'Monday\' = 1, \'Tuesday\' = 2, \'Wednesday\' = 3, \'Thursday\' = 4, \'Friday\' = 5, \'Saturday\' = 6)')
┌─JSONExtract('{"day": "Thursday"}', 'day', 'Enum8(\'Sunday\' = 0, \'Monday\' = 1, \'Tuesday\' = 2, \'Wednesday\' = 3, \'Thursday\' = 4, \'Friday\' = 5, \'Saturday\' = 6)')─┐
│ Thursday │
SELECT JSONExtract('{"day": 5}', 'day', 'Enum8(\'Sunday\' = 0, \'Monday\' = 1, \'Tuesday\' = 2, \'Wednesday\' = 3, \'Thursday\' = 4, \'Friday\' = 5, \'Saturday\' = 6)')
┌─JSONExtract('{"day": 5}', 'day', 'Enum8(\'Sunday\' = 0, \'Monday\' = 1, \'Tuesday\' = 2, \'Wednesday\' = 3, \'Thursday\' = 4, \'Friday\' = 5, \'Saturday\' = 6)')─┐
│ Friday │


Parses a JSON and extract a value. These functions are similar to visitParam functions. If the value does not exist or has a wrong type, 0 will be returned.


JSONExtractBool(json\[, indices_or_keys\])


  • json – json string.
  • indices_or_keys - is a list of zero or more arguments each of them can be either string or integer.
    • String = access object member by key.
    • Positive integer = access the n-th member/key from the beginning.
    • Negative integer = access the n-th member/key from the end.
    • Minimum index of the element is 1. Thus the element 0 does not exist.
    • You may use integers to access both JSON arrays and JSON objects.

Returned value

  • UInt8.


SELECT JSONExtractBool('{"passed": true}','passed')
┌─JSONExtractBool('{"passed": true}', 'passed')─┐
│ 1 │
SELECT JSONExtractBool('{"passed": false}','passed')
┌─JSONExtractBool('{"passed": false}', 'passed')─┐
│ 0 │


Parses a JSON and extract a value. These functions are similar to visitParam functions. If the value does not exist or has a wrong type, 0 will be returned.


JSONExtractFloat(json\[, indices_or_keys\])


  • json – json string.
  • indices_or_keys - is a list of zero or more arguments each of them can be either string or integer.
    • String = access object member by key.
    • Positive integer = access the n-th member/key from the beginning.
    • Negative integer = access the n-th member/key from the end.
    • Minimum index of the element is 1. Thus the element 0 does not exist.
    • You may use integers to access both JSON arrays and JSON objects.

Returned value

  • Float64.


SELECT JSONExtractFloat('{"a": "hello", "b": [-100, 200.0, 300]}', 'b', 2)
┌─JSONExtractFloat('{"a": "hello", "b": [-100, 200.0, 300]}', 'b', 2)─┐
│ 2e+02 │


Parses a JSON and extract a value. These functions are similar to visitParam functions. If the value does not exist or has a wrong type, 0 will be returned.


JSONExtractInt(json\[, indices_or_keys\])


  • json – json string.
  • indices_or_keys - is a list of zero or more arguments each of them can be either string or integer.
    • String = access object member by key.
    • Positive integer = access the n-th member/key from the beginning.
    • Negative integer = access the n-th member/key from the end.
    • Minimum index of the element is 1. Thus the element 0 does not exist.
    • You may use integers to access both JSON arrays and JSON objects.

Returned value

  • Int64.


SELECT JSONExtractInt('{"a": "hello", "b": [-100, 200.0, 300]}', 'b', 1)
┌─JSONExtractInt('{"a": "hello", "b": [-100, 200.0, 300]}', 'b', 1)─┐
│ -100 │


Parses key-value pairs from a JSON where the values are of the given ByConity data type.


JSONExtractKeysAndValues(json[, indices_or_keys…], Value_type)


  • json – json string.
  • indices_or_keys - is a list of zero or more arguments each of them can be either string or integer.
    • String = access object member by key.
    • Positive integer = access the n-th member/key from the beginning.
    • Negative integer = access the n-th member/key from the end.
    • Minimum index of the element is 1. Thus the element 0 does not exist.
    • You may use integers to access both JSON arrays and JSON objects.
  • Value_type - json value data type

Returned value

  • key-value pairs


SELECT JSONExtractKeysAndValues('{"x": {"a": 5, "b": 7, "c": 11}}', 'x', 'Int8');
┌─JSONExtractKeysAndValues('{"x": {"a": 5, "b": 7, "c": 11}}', 'x', 'Int8')─┐
│ [(a, 5), (b, 7), (c, 11)] │


Returns a part of JSON as unparsed string. If the part does not exist or has a wrong type, an empty string will be returned.


JSONExtractRaw(json\[, indices_or_keys\])


  • json – json string.
  • indices_or_keys - is a list of zero or more arguments each of them can be either string or integer.
    • String = access object member by key.
    • Positive integer = access the n-th member/key from the beginning.
    • Negative integer = access the n-th member/key from the end.
    • Minimum index of the element is 1. Thus the element 0 does not exist.
    • You may use integers to access both JSON arrays and JSON objects.

Returned value

  • String


SELECT JSONExtractRaw('{"a": "hello", "b": [-100, 200.0, 300]}', 'b');
┌─JSONExtractRaw('{"a": "hello", "b": [-100, 200.0, 300]}', 'b')─┐
│ [-100,200,300] │


Parse a JSON and extract a string. This function is similar to visitParamExtractString functions. If the value does not exist or has a wrong type, an empty string will be returned. The value is unescaped. If unescaping failed, it returns an empty string.


JSONExtractString(json\[, indices_or_keys\])


  • json – json string.
  • indices_or_keys - is a list of zero or more arguments each of them can be either string or integer.
    • String = access object member by key.
    • Positive integer = access the n-th member/key from the beginning.
    • Negative integer = access the n-th member/key from the end.
    • Minimum index of the element is 1. Thus the element 0 does not exist.
    • You may use integers to access both JSON arrays and JSON objects.

Returned value

  • String


SELECT JSONExtractString('{"a": "hello", "b": [-100, 200.0, 300]}', 'a')
┌─JSONExtractString('{"a": "hello", "b": [-100, 200.0, 300]}', 'a')─┐
│ hello │
SELECT JSONExtractString('{"abc":"\\u263a"}', 'abc')
┌─JSONExtractString('{"abc":"\\u263a"}', 'abc')─┐
│ ☺ │
SELECT JSONExtractString('{"abc":"\\u263"}', 'abc')
┌─JSONExtractString('{"abc":"\\u263"}', 'abc')─┐
│ │
SELECT JSONExtractString('{"abc":"hello}', 'abc')
┌─JSONExtractString('{"abc":"hello}', 'abc')─┐
│ │


Parses a JSON and extract a value. These functions are similar to visitParam functions. If the value does not exist or has a wrong type, 0 will be returned.


JSONExtractUInt(json\[, indices_or_keys\])


  • json – json string.
  • indices_or_keys - is a list of zero or more arguments each of them can be either string or integer.
    • String = access object member by key.
    • Positive integer = access the n-th member/key from the beginning.
    • Negative integer = access the n-th member/key from the end.
    • Minimum index of the element is 1. Thus the element 0 does not exist.
    • You may use integers to access both JSON arrays and JSON objects.

Returned value

  • UInt64.


SELECT JSONExtractUInt('{"a": "hello", "b": [-100, 200.0, 300]}', 'b', -1)
┌─JSONExtractUInt('{"a": "hello", "b": [-100, 200.0, 300]}', 'b', -1)─┐
│ 300 │


If the value exists in the JSON document, 1 will be returned. If the value does not exist, 0 will be returned.


JSONHas(json[, indices_or_keys])


  • json – json string.
  • indices_or_keys - is a list of zero or more arguments each of them can be either string or integer.
    • String = access object member by key.
    • Positive integer = access the n-th member/key from the beginning.
    • Negative integer = access the n-th member/key from the end.
    • Minimum index of the element is 1. Thus the element 0 does not exist.
    • You may use integers to access both JSON arrays and JSON objects.

Returned value

  • UInt8.


SELECT JSONExtractUInt('{"a": "hello", "b": [-100, 200.0, 300]}', 'b', -1)
┌─JSONHas('{"a": "hello", "b": [-100, 200.0, 300]}', 'b')─┐
│ 1 │
SELECT JSONHas('{"a": "hello", "b": [-100, 200.0, 300]}', 'b', 4)
┌─JSONHas('{"a": "hello", "b": [-100, 200.0, 300]}', 'b', 4)─┐
│ 0 │


Return the length of a JSON array or a JSON object.

If the value does not exist or has a wrong type, 0 will be returned.


JSONLength(json\[, indices_or_keys\])


  • json – json string.
  • indices_or_keys - is a list of zero or more arguments each of them can be either string or integer.
    • String = access object member by key.
    • Positive integer = access the n-th member/key from the beginning.
    • Negative integer = access the n-th member/key from the end.
    • Minimum index of the element is 1. Thus the element 0 does not exist.
    • You may use integers to access both JSON arrays and JSON objects.

Returned value

  • UInt64.


SELECT JSONLength('{"a": "hello", "b": [-100, 200.0, 300]}', 'b')
┌─JSONLength('{"a": "hello", "b": [-100, 200.0, 300]}', 'b')─┐
│ 3 │
SELECT JSONLength('{"a": "hello", "b": [-100, 200.0, 300]}')
┌─JSONLength('{"a": "hello", "b": [-100, 200.0, 300]}')─┐
│ 2 │


Return the type of a JSON value.

If the value does not exist, Null will be returned.


JSONType(json\[, indices_or_keys\])


  • json – json string.
  • indices_or_keys - is a list of zero or more arguments each of them can be either string or integer.
    • String = access object member by key.
    • Positive integer = access the n-th member/key from the beginning.
    • Negative integer = access the n-th member/key from the end.
    • Minimum index of the element is 1. Thus the element 0 does not exist.
    • You may use integers to access both JSON arrays and JSON objects.

Returned value

  • ByConity data type.


SELECT JSONType('{"a": "hello", "b": [-100, 200.0, 300]}')
┌─JSONType('{"a": "hello", "b": [-100, 200.0, 300]}')─┐
│ Object │
SELECT JSONType('{"a": "hello", "b": [-100, 200.0, 300]}', 'a')
┌─JSONType('{"a": "hello", "b": [-100, 200.0, 300]}', 'a')─┐
│ String │
SELECT JSONType('{"a": "hello", "b": [-100, 200.0, 300]}', 'b')
┌─JSONType('{"a": "hello", "b": [-100, 200.0, 300]}', 'b')─┐
│ Array │


Parses a true/false value. The result is UInt8.


visitParamExtractBool(params, name)


  • params – json string.
  • name - json key

Returned value

  • UInt8.


SELECT visitParamExtractBool('{"abc":true}', 'abc')
┌─visitParamExtractBool('{"abc":true}', 'abc')─┐
│ 1 │
SELECT visitParamExtractBool('{"abc":false}', 'abc')
┌─visitParamExtractBool('{"abc":false}', 'abc')─┐
│ 0 │


Parses a float value. The result is Float64.


visitParamExtractFloat(params, name)


  • params – json string.
  • name - json key

Returned value

  • UInt8.


SELECT visitParamExtractFloat('{"abc":123.0}', 'abc')
┌─visitParamExtractFloat('{"abc":123.1}', 'abc')─┐
│ 123.1 │


Parses a Int value. The result is Int64.


visitParamExtractInt(params, name)


  • params – json string.
  • name - json key

Returned value

  • Int64.


SELECT visitParamExtractInt('{"abc":123}', 'abc')
┌─visitParamExtractInt('{"abc":123}', 'abc')─┐
│ 123 │


Returns the value of a field, including separators.


visitParamExtractRaw(params, name)


  • params – json string.
  • name - json key

Returned value

  • String.


SELECT visitParamExtractRaw('{"abc":"\\n\\u0000"}', 'abc')
┌─visitParamExtractRaw('{"abc":"\\n\\u0000"}', 'abc')─┐
│ "\n\u0000" │
SELECT visitParamExtractRaw('{"abc":{"def":[1,2,3]}}', 'abc')
┌─visitParamExtractRaw('{"abc":{"def":[1,2,3]}}', 'abc')─┐
│ {"def":[1,2,3]} │


Parses the string in double quotes. The value is unescaped. If unescaping failed, it returns an empty string.


visitParamExtractString(params, name)


  • params – json string.
  • name - json key

Returned value

  • String.


SELECT visitParamExtractString('{"abc":"\\u263a"}', 'abc')
┌─visitParamExtractString('{"abc":"\\u263a"}', 'abc')─┐
│ ☺ │
SELECT visitParamExtractString('{"abc":"\\u263"}', 'abc')
┌─visitParamExtractString('{"abc":"\\u263"}', 'abc')─┐
│ │
SELECT visitParamExtractString('{"abc":"hello}', 'abc')
┌─visitParamExtractString('{"abc":"hello}', 'abc')─┐
│ │

There is currently no support for code points in the format \uXXXX\uYYYY that are not from the basic multilingual plane (they are converted to CESU-8 instead of UTF-8).

The following functions are based on simdjson designed for more complex JSON parsing requirements. The assumption 2 mentioned above still applies.


Parses UInt64 from the value of the field named name . If this is a string field, it tries to parse a number from the beginning of the string. If the field does not exist, or it exists but does not contain a number, it returns 0.


visitParamExtractUInt(params, name)


  • params – json string.
  • name - json key

Returned value

  • UInt64.


SELECT visitParamExtractUInt('{"abc":2}', 'abc')
┌─visitParamExtractUInt('{"abc":2}', 'abc')─┐
│ 2 │


Checks whether there is a field with the name name.


visitParamHas(params, name)


  • params – json string.
  • name - json key

Returned value

  • UInt8.


SELECT visitParamHas('{"abc":"def"}', 'abc')
┌─visitParamHas('{"abc":"def"}', 'abc')─┐
│ 1 │