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Version: 0.2.0

Package Deployment

One way to deploy ByConity to physical machines is using package manager. For example, install Debian package for Debian OS and rpm packages for Centos OS

Install FoundationDB and HDFS

ByConity using FoundationDB as meta store, and HDFS as datastore. So before starting to deploy ByConity, we need to deploy FoundationDB and HDFS first.

For deploying Foundation database, you can refer to the installation guide here

After that we need to deploy an HDFS cluster consist of name node and data node, and create the directory /user/clickhouse in HDFS for store data. You can refer to the installation guide here. After this step, you got the name node url which ussually the value of fs.defaultFS that you can find in the core-site.xml config.

Install FoundationDB client

Now we will start deploying Byconity. ByConity packages depends on the FoundationDB client package. Hence, before deploying ByConity packages on any machine, we need to deploy FoundationDB client package first. The Foundation client package are tight coupled to version of FoundationDB server. So we need to choose the client package with version that match the version of FoundationDB server

To deploy FoundationDB client package, we go to the release page, find the right package to your OS and download it. For example, here i download version 7.1.27 for Debian OS, amd64 machine.

curl -L -o foundationdb-clients_7.1.27-1_amd64.deb

Then install with this command

sudo dpkg -i foundationdb-clients_7.1.27-1_amd64.deb

Deploy ByConity Packages

Next we will deploy ByConity packages, you can find them in release page. Or you can build the package by yourself, in that case follow this guide.

Install byconity-common-static

The first package that need to install is the common package byconity-common-static, this is the package that all other packages depend on.

sudo dpkg -i byconity-common-static_0.1.1.1_amd64.deb

After that edit configuration files /etc/byconity-server/cnch_config.xml and /etc/byconity-server/fdb.config. The cnch_config.xml file contains service_discovery config, hdfs config, foundationdb cluster config path. The fdb.config is the cluster config file of FoundationDB cluster.

Config cnch_config.xml

The cnch_config.xml file contains 2 parts that have to be configured by user,
the service_discovery tag and the hdfs_nnproxy tags. In ByConity there are 3 ways component can discover each other. The mode tag is used to specify the way. There are 3 modes: local, dns and consul In the local mode, the user have to specify the ip address or host name of all components in this config file, by replace the place holder {your_xxx_address}, for example {your_server_address}, which the actually ip address of the component, for example,

For the hdfs_nnproxy tags contains the address of HDFS name node

Config fdb.config

The fdb.config is the file for foundation db client to connect to FoundationDB server, you will have it after you config FoundationDB server. Read more in here

After that on the machine you want to install TSO service. Download the byconity-tso package and install.

sudo dpkg -i byconity-tso_0.1.1.1_amd64.deb

If this is the first time the package is install on system, it won't start immediately but in next reboot. You can check it status by

systemctl status byconity-tso

The config for tso service is located in /etc/byconity-server/byconity-tso.xml, you can config as you like but the default are good enough, to start it immediately execute

systemctl start byconity-tso

The next time you install this package again (for example, you want to upgrade), then you don't need to execute start command.

In the same way, install ByConity resource manager, ByConity server, ByConity worker, ByConity worker write and ByConity daemon manager. The byconity-resource-manager, byconity-daemon-manger and byconity-tso are light weight service so it could be install in shared machine with other package. But for byconity-server, byconity-worker, byconity-worker-write we should install them in separate machines.

sudo dpkg -i byconity-resource-manager_0.1.1.1_amd64.deb
sudo dpkg -i byconity-server_0.1.1.1_amd64.deb
sudo dpkg -i byconity-worker_0.1.1.1_amd64.deb
sudo dpkg -i byconity-worker-write_0.1.1.1_amd64.deb
sudo dpkg -i byconity-daemon-manager_0.1.1.1_amd64.deb

You can install more workers in the same way. Each worker has a settings call WORKER_ID in the config file /etc/byconity-server/(byconity-worker|byconity-worker-write).xml to config worker id for worker, worker id have to be unique between workers, the default value of WORKER_ID in config file is empty. In that case the worker_id is automatically assigned to be the IP address of the host machine.