


在S3的预览版本(从pre 0.2.0版本到0.2.0版本)之后,一些S3对象键(object key)和S3元数据发生了变化。我们提供了一些工具来从旧版本进行迁移。如果你正在使用旧版本的ByConity(0.2.0版本之前),且数据存储在S3中时才使用这些工具。步骤如下:

  1. 停止ByConity集群
# stop the cluster

  1. 使用提供的工具迁移S3数据
  • 如果使用docker运行ByConity,可以登录到服务器/工作节点并使用ps命令找到clickhouse二进制文件
./clickhouse s3-rename --s3_ak_id ${S3_AK_ID} --s3_ak_secret ${S3_AK_SECRET} --from_bucket ${BYCONITY_S3_BUCKET} --s3_endpoint ${S3_ENDPOINT} --s3_region ${S3_REGION} --root_prefix ${BYCONTIY_DATA_PREFIX}

  • 如果您正在使用docker包装运行ByConity
docker run -it --rm --network host --name byconity-s3-sanitizer byconity/byconity:0.2.0 clickhouse s3-rename --s3_ak_id ${S3_AK_ID} --s3_ak_secret ${S3_AK_SECRET} --from_bucket ${BYCONITY_S3_BUCKET} --s3_endpoint ${S3_ENDPOINT} --s3_region ${S3_REGION} --root_prefix ${BYCONTIY_DATA_PREFIX}


| tool arguments | explanation|
| -------- | ------- |
| s3_ak_id | s3 access key id which byconity is using |
| s3_ak_secret| s3 secret access key which byconity is using|
| s3_region| s3 region which byconity is using|
| s3_endpoin| s3 endpoint which byconity is using|
| from_bucket| s3 bucket name which byconity is using|
| root_prefix| s3 object prefix which byconity is using|
| thread_number| using how many threads, default to 1 thread|
| need_delete| whether delete origin file, default true|
| uuid_check| whether check uuid is valid or not, default true|
| enable_logging| whether enable logging output|
| logging_level| logging level, default is debug output|

3. 使用提供的工具迁移S3元数据

- 如果您知道clickhouse二进制文件的位置

./clickhouse s3-meta-sanitizer -C cnch_config.xml

  • 如果您正在使用docker包装运行ByConity
docker run -it --rm --network host --name byconity-s3-sanitizer byconity/byconity:0.2.0 clickhouse s3-meta-sanitizer --config-file /root/app/config/cnch_config.xml

tool argumentsexplanation
Cspecify config file from cnch_config configuration field in your bycontiy server configuration file
  1. 重启ByConity集群
# restart the cluster